Firstly, you will need to register for an account with us. You can do that by clicking here. Alternatively if you was referred to this site by another member please ask them to provide you with their referral link so you can both earn store points. Next, select from our extensive range of products and high profile strains you would like to order. You can find the purchase button for each product at the bottom of each page. Please note you will not be able to order from us unless you are registered. Once you have completed the order form we will email you directly with payment address as specified in your order form.
For more information on purchasing and sending Bitcoin, please click here. We also accept other Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and many others too. These options are available on our order forms and tend to be cheaper on fees.
We strongly recommend using Bitcoin Cash.
Once you have sent your payment, you will receive a confirmation from us to say we have received your order. Your order will then be posted within 24 hours of confirmation email being sent. We send all products Special Delivery via Royal Mail. All postage is free.